Going to China
Since 2009 I have had the opportunity to visit China for nine times.
I got a great introduction to China on my first visit i 2009 by Jing Xie and Anders Kjær.
I had five visits on my own to China - going
many many places.
Later I married Qu Gao and we have had 4 visits together, seeing her family , friends and special places.
Chinese history writing
Since spring 2012 I started to study chinese history from the very beginning. It became and ongoing projekt for some years , and produced
around 850 pages of writing on Chinese history.
Since then I boiled it down to 250 pages , and right now I'm cooking on -
reducing the writing to some 120 pages - which could be a small textbook for educational use or other...
The Moon pond in the ancient village Hongcun, Anhui-provinse © Otto Leholt
Barnedåb i Tangzi township © Otto Leholt
Beijing - ring 3 seen from 52. floor 2012© Otto Leholt
Migrant building workers having a rest at lunchtime © Otto Leholt
The Great wall of China at Mutianyu © Otto Leholt
New city in Guangzhou 2010 © Otto Leholt
Photo with student in Luizhou 2010 © Otto Leholt
Villages seen from above - Chongqing China © Otto Leholt
Shanghai seen from Pudong 2011, China © Otto Leholt
Urbanizing the countryside in Chongqing 2014© Otto Leholt
Feel free to visit my
China history page
Foredrag om Kina
Foredrag om Kina
Jeg tilbyder foredrag og undervisning om
Kinas kultur, historie og aktuelle udfordringer.
Se mere på:
En ny Kold Krig!
Aldrig før i de sidste 50 år har forholdet mellem USa og Kina været så dårligt som det er nu.
Kina har oplevet en overvældende økonomisk udvikling siden 1980'erne, som har løftet mere end 800 mio. mennesker
ud af dyb fattigdom (World Bank).
Samtidigt står det klart at kineserne ikke bliver som os ( læs =demokratisering) og at Kina inden for få
år vil overgå USA som verdens største økonomi.
Denne udvikling udfordrer USA's mangeårige position som verdens hegonom og er
baggruden for de sidste års stigende vestlige kritik af Kinas indenrigspolitiske forhold.